Clients are shocked when I know details about their relationships that they have not revealed to me. I explain to them the subtle relationship dynamics of how they fight with their husband, their parents, or their boss at work. How do I know these intimate details like your son...
As energetic beings we are always emiting a frequency and engaging in the energetic communication with others. One way we communicate is through energy cords. The reality is that we have cords that are both positive and negative. Some cords are necessary, (like when we first have a...
I am in labor.
And I am scared.
And I am terrified.
And I can’t seem to think
Or stop thinking
about how this baby is going to
have to come out of my body.
I breathe through the contractions
Or the contractions breathe through me.
Control and Surrender
are locked in...
Dear Beloved,
You are fighting a hard battle down there. It is dense and it is dark. But the task is always the same. To Love and Love Big. Do not take your cues from the appearance of what you see around you. Your job is to be led by Feeling.
Heart-knowing is the only form of intelligence...
Animals are psychic. (Some strictly refer to this sense as ‘instinct’ but I say: Same diff. We humans also have ‘instincts’ that tell us, for example, when someone may be dangerous with no ‘rational explanation’ as to how we know this.)
Your dog knows...
Today’s blog is a bit different–I wanted to share our recent wedding ceremony with you. But first, I need to explain a bit about the unique nature of our relationship.
When I met Adam my life changed dramatically. I was already married to someone else. At our first meeting alone,...
Most of the people I work with are sensitive Souls. Sensitives (also known as HSP’s-‘Highly Sensitive People’ or ‘Empaths’) are gifted with a highly developed emotional system that makes them powerfully intuitive, altruistic and deeply compassionate. For Sensitives...
We all know sex can be a powerful way to connect spiritually (tantra has been telling us this for eons). But, because of the thick density of daily life (body pain, the hyper-focus on purely the physical or the ego’s busy job of distraction) it is very easy to forget that we are...
People often assume that an ‘empath’ is someone who feels empathy for others. Yet, being an empath is actually much more complicated than simply feeling compassion for another. An empath is someone who can actually feel, in his body, what other people around him are...
I am currently pregnant with both a baby and a book. Being pregnant with both, simultaneously, has clarified the incredible psychological and spiritual similarities between physical pregnancy and the experience of being pregnant with a Soul project.
What is a Soul Project?
A Soul project is a...
Anxiety is the worst. If you have anxiety, you know what I’m talking about. Yet, sometimes I see clients who have anxiety and don’t know that they are smack in the middle of a full-fledged panic attack. What gives?
Anxiety lies. It is common to blindly accept the underlying...
The Law of Attraction.
You’ve probably heard about it. You’ve probably heard that “thoughts become things” and that “everything is vibration”. You may have heard of vision boarding, how ‘gratitude is the attitude’ and about the power of...
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