Soul Music – Awakening From The Heart

by Adam Foley

Last summer I had the privilege of co-hosting our summer retreat “Awakening From the Heart: Becoming Divinely Human”. It is hard to put into words the amount of beauty I witnessed that weekend. Being in a room full of people all having Divine Spiritual experiences simultaneously is one of the most connected and awe-inspiring experiences I have ever had.

One goal in planning last year’s retreat was to catch Soul Birthing on film–the process of the Soul incarnating into the body. This is the goal of the Soul work in which Elisa and I both practice. We were guided to create a free documentary showing Soul incarnation to raise the vibration of consciousness on the planet around this type of spiritual work. We were happy “Meet Your Soul,” Elisa’s book, was out in the world providing practical tools for connecting with one’s Soul self. But when it comes to Soul embodiment there is only so much we can capture in writing. Soul Birthing is something that needs to be felt. So, we hired a film crew and prayed.

After capturing 17 hours of footage it was up to me to edit it down to a short trailer. I watched and re-watched each retreat participants Soul Birthing second by second. I studied the film for months and found the precise moments when doses of Soul entered the body.  After finishing a 5-minute silent trailer I scoured the internet, old itunes libraries, and I even dared entered into my old CD-Roms and Cassette tape collections for the perfect music to match these participants' Holy experiences. After another few weeks of searching with no success, I journaled with my Soul. He made it apparently clear that I was supposed to write the song. He told me it was my job to match the courageous vulnerability and spiritual strength of these women through music.

So, In the dead of night, after our boys were asleep, with one century-old microphone and locked in a messy laundry room (made messier because I threw clothes around as a sound buffer), I went to work. My Soul guided me through every note and word. I too Soul Birthed while creating this music.

Watch and feel! Lyrics are posted below. Here is more on our Awakening From the Heart Retreats.

“Love is speaking,

but not in words.

This is just the beginning

This is birth.

I’ve been sleepwalking in the dark

Now the dawn is breaking

I’m awakening from the heart.

I am human and I’m Divine.

And for the first time I’m finding

this life is mine

I am one

And I am apart.

Now the dawn is breaking

I’m awakening from the heart.

Oh my brothers I am coming home

Oh my sisters I am coming home

Oh my brothers I am coming home

Oh my sisters I am coming home”


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